Accepting Me

Keys to happiness

Happy, Smile, How to be happy

Having compassion for people around.

Be around people who love you for what you are, not what you do.

You have sense of purpose. Have wants/goals that don't stress you out.

Keep judgement out of any situation if possible. Just focus on doing what you have to do.

You have something that that you feel deeply connected with, it could be music,  games, anything that you deeply love for no particular reason.

You are able to change adversity into a positive narrative.

  • Let's say being an abusive relationship is an adverse situation, but now thats its over thankfully, the positive narrative is that it many cases it does provide the ability to empathize, help and understand others who go through a tough time.

You have set healthy boundaries.

  • Personally, I am learning this pretty late in my life. The ability to say Yes and No when required and not compromising on my wellness, is something that I never explored earlier. But the good thing is I am learning now. Better late than never!

You have the ability to laugh it off when irritated.

  •  For example, if someone behaves irrationally, it is that someone who has a problem, so why should I suffer? I must be able to laugh off small irritations, make peace with myself and move on and more importantly be Happy!

Meditation or some form of exercise is a key factor contribution to emotional well-being.

You are grateful for the current moment, and practice gratitude.

Emotional health of a child is called out to be to one of the predictors of a satisfied adult.

You have the ability to get away from competitive ethos.

Write to me at to discuss more topics for self improvement.

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